Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Daily Observations and Realizations:

^ I saw a bike wheel floating in a pond while i was walking to the gym. It was just bobbing there, half frozen, with the rest of the bike plunged underneath the water. And for some reason... i started to laugh. Actually, i lied - i know why i laughed. The second i saw the wheel in the water, it made me think of an elaborate story of how it got there. I could see someone stealing the bike and being completely caught up in the rush of doing something illegal. Eventually, they realized they couldn't do anything with it because the previous owner surely would know if they saw them riding around on their bike. Paranoia sets in and they wait until 4 in the morning, sneak out with the bike... strategically dressed all in the black... and dumped it like a body into the closet pool of water... a puddle of a pond in the middle of campus. This way, all of your finger prints are completely washed off and no one will ever, ever know who stole the bike.

^^ I found a quarter on the ground. Usually, i find pennies... then i started finding dimes and now, i guess i'm up to quarters. I wonder if in a few years i'll start finding 20 dollar bills. Man, i hope so.

^^^ While walking down the stairs, i said hello to one of the grad playwright students and she stops and says, " Kate, you are hilarious in the UPP festival rehearsals. We love watching you. Really great work" I said thank you of course and then realized how harsh a critic i am of myself. At rehearsals last night, i thought i completely blew it. I wasn't in the best mood and everything i said felt blank and boring... even if people were laughing. I came home and felt pretty awful about it. But hearing that from her today made me realize i need to ease up on myself about my work and let my directors/audience be the real judges.

^^^^ When the gym is full and everyone is synchronized on the treadmills, they sort of resemble hamsters on their wheels. It's rather amusing to watch.

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