Thursday, August 13, 2009

The girl finally makes a REAL observation about life...

Constantly struggling. 
I always want the product
and sometimes, forget about the journey.
even though I KNOW it is the most important part.

rush rush rush. 

i need to just sssssllllloooooowwwww down.
everything has changed now.
the only constant is change though i guess.
i do want something stable.
i know that for sure.
i'm always running away when i should be running towards.
or maybe,
i'm just always running, period. 
the direction doesn't even matter so much
just as long as i 
but that's only taken me in circles it seems.

i get it, universe...
i need to take my time
and stop running every which way.
let things come to me for once.
I need to put myself out there
my full self
and just see what happens...
where i go
who comes along
and how much i can learn from it.

i'm ready to pick up my pieces and build something new.

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