Monday, November 30, 2009

" Deeds are love... not sweet words"

i've caught myself
in the middle of whatever i'm doing
closing my eyes
and saying quietly to myself
" You're okay. You'll be fine. Keep going..."

Some circumstances are hard to accept.
Some are harder to even understand let alone accept.
I have to keep going.
I can't stay locked up in my room
or in myself
trying to hide from everyone all the time.
I have this amazing ability
to shut myself off.
To go into my "autopilot" mode and remain there for a long time.
Right now
I feel like i'm going in and out depending on the day.
It's hard.
I'm keeping it together the best i can though.

Hope is such a dangerous concept.
It feels like
the only thing holding me down
and keeping me alive everyday.
I cannot worry though.

This isn't my ship to steer.

And even if remembering that
involves me constantly stopping myself
and reassuring
" I'm okay. I'll be fine. Keep going..."
Then i guess that is exactly what it will take.

I'm not surrendering.

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